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Since 1980, Centre City Property Management (CCPM) has successfully managed a large variety of income properties. We specialize in the management of homes, condominiums and apartment communities - as well as commercial investment properties. CCPM's success is based on the principle that collective management and quality control yields a higher, more consistent profit gain for its clients.
We do not accept cash or personal checks for credit checks, security deposits or first month's rent: money orders or cashiers checks only. We will need to see, verify and photo copy both sides of your drivers license or ID card along with your social security card or work permit. Our credit reporting agency will provide us with a complete credit background on all applicants, including: FICO score, credit information, late payments, bad checks, evictions, bankruptcy and collections.Those with poor credit ratings may be denied.
We accept personal checks, money orders, cashier's checks, and Electronics Funds Transfer (EFT). To change the Gas & Electric in your name call: San Diego Gas & Electric at (800) 411-7343. For any questions, concerns or comments about your rental please contact us at (619) 296-6699 or send us an email.
Reviews (1)
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Johnny Ferreira
Sep 18, 2017
Great company, super responsive. As a realtor, I've enjoyed working with them on several occasions.